Sunday 29 August 2010

A waste of paint

You know, we've seen it all before. It's nothing new.
The words 'typical adolescent behaviour' are used.
This is not helping.
You're an intelligent girl, surely you can see this isn't a good way to think?
I am not intelligent. I cannot think.
Is that why you do drama?
What do you want?
I want things to change.
(They exchange a smile)
You think things will suddenly be better? (More smiles)
They call me intelligent but they patronise me.
More questions.
Do you watch Eastenders?
Then- Do you have any friends?
I cannot do this.
Tell us about them.
I am sitting here and I am thinking do they really believe I have friends or do they think I make them up? I am sitting here and I am thinking they are judging me. I am sitting here and I am thinking I shouldn't be here. I am a waste of their time.
Do you see them as good people?
Do you see yourself as a good person?
More silence.
Let me rephrase that. Do you see yourself as a bad person?
How do you define good and bad? Surely that's subjective?
(They smile at each other again)
Leaving the philosophy aside for a minute.
Yes what?
Yes I do.
(They nod)
But other people aren't? Friends, family?
Yes. I have already told them this. I am repeating the same things.
They try and compliment me again.
I pretend to accept it.
Are you responsible for other peoples' happiness or feelings?
By now they know what my answer will be. It's obvious. But I justify, and they agree, but still tell me I am wrong. I know I am wrong.
What you have to understand is that it's not rational to think in this way. Look at it objectively. When things are hard remove yourself from the situation and examine it.
Objective thinking. That's the solution to everything then.
Let's talk about your childhood.
Freud 101.
It's okay to cry you know. We have tissues.
I don't want to cry. I don't cry. They still watch me.
They have tissues.
This was a mistake.
We can't really do anything.
I knew this would happen.
Because you're going away so soon.
I am reverting back already, and my head is no longer clear.
And we need continued contact.
I see what they are really saying. My problems are not good enough. I am not good enough.
I leave.
My last option. My mistake. My fault.

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